The Wares

I craft to create energy. Crafting is the one practice that energizes my spirit and feeds my soul. Now, with your help, my crafts can create energy in the world. Click any of the buttons below to begin the co-creation process and guide me to craft something uniquely yours.

First Generation Motherhood donates at least 80% of proceeds to organizations supporting today’s migrants and war-torn peoples.

Read the story behind this practice.

“When my hands are busy, my mind is still. At last, I can hear my heart.”

I recently stumbled upon a beautiful phrase, “grow through what you go through”. So often I find myself focused on simply getting through. I forget to notice the growth that occurs during struggle. Have you ever seen a forest regenerate after a devastating fire? New life sprouts from beneath the ashes as the ecosystem redefines itself. I started making nature inspired pieces to remind myself that growth is not only possible, but likely, in those darkest moments.


Time and time again research shows us that difference is strength. Diverse perspectives lead to richer discussions and better solutions. Diverse genetic backgrounds even decrease the likelihood of certain hereditary disorders! This series honors diversity by showcasing the beauty of all skin tones and all forms of love. In particular, these unique roses highlight the complementary elegance of varied skin tones.

As soon as a baby is born (and sometimes even sooner) we start noting how their mouth is shaped just like Daddy’s, and they have wide round eyes like Mama. We see so much of ourselves in our children, and yet they are a unique mosaic all their own. When my girlfriend was expecting her daughter, I made her a pin inspired by their birthstones: Mama (and Puppy - April), Daddy (September), and Baby (March). I noticed how the white and blue of the parents combined almost perfectly to make their daughter’s color, and yet the green aqua hues were all her own. The metaphor fit perfectly, and inspired this personalized series.


The only series with READY TO SHIP ITEMS!! I’m not Ukrainian, but I am disgusted by this war. My heart yearns to support the broken families who are crying out in an all-too-familiar tongue. So I’ve been making jewelry to raise funds. It’s not much, but it’s something I can do to live my values. So far I’ve raised over $500 for humanitarian aid and military supplies. Click the title to see existing pieces, or click “create yours” to start a custom order.